Megan Hardwick

2024 RACQ & Excavation Equipment Great Western Road Trip


Did you know, in Darling Downs and Southwest Queensland, we see on average 2,335 new cancer diagnoses every year?

That means that the growing need for a new dedicated Regional Cancer Centre is now vital to the care and treatment of local patients.  

This September, I’m taking part in the Great Western Road Trip to fundraise for the Regional Cancer Centre and to help leave a lasting impact in the region's rural hospitals.

By supporting my fundraiser, you’ll be contributing directly to the cause.

All funds raised will provide our region’s cancer patients with a safe and comfortable space just for them, as well as support the vital work of local hospitals across the Darling Downs Health Service region. 

My Achievements

I've raised $1000

I've raised $2500

I've raised $5000

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